Monday 4 March 2013

Plan for Poster

This is one of my two draft posters for Maple Way, I created this poster with existing Channel 4 posters in mind and focusing on placements of characters in relation to each other rather than render down to not realising by this point the costumes that would be worn within this poster, also when creating our final piece we will be taking pictures and using CAD programs such as Adobe Photoshop for the editing process.

I have not labelled it very clearly but the characters from left to right are: Jennifer Mason, Logan Mason, Ben Mason, Rachel Edwards, Roger Freeman, Caroline Elms and Christine Lown
I'm thinking that the background could be a single colour or the setting of our soap opera, which ever complimented the poster more, both are conventional for soap opera posters and especially for Channel 4 posters.

Another draft I have created for our poster is a portrait poster draft introducing the main character for the opening storyline, Rachel Edwards, they are in full focus and there will be more minor characters behind focusing body language on the two main charcters to show some clues towards the on screen relationships of characters.

We will use these two poster drafts along with other group member's drafts in order to pick the factors we would like and dismiss the certain factors which we would not like to include into our final design, this will help us to create the optimum product when the process begins.

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