Monday 4 March 2013

Existing Channel4 Poster Analysis

We are looking into creating a poster following closely the conventions of existing channel 4 posters, we have noticed a pattern with the positions of texts and the logo and are looking into following these conventions in order to create a poster that looks professionally produced for Channel4, in order to do this we have analysed some existing posters, in terms of mise and conventions followed and patterns seen, although the posters we are looking at are not exclusively for soap operas they are all programmes that Channel4 and E4 are exhibiting.

An example of Hollyoak's poster, following Channel4's

 The poster to the right is  a recent hollyoaks poster produced by Channel4, as you can see the positioning of the logo is on the right of the poster, this is conventional within Channel4.

Desperate Housewives is an example of a sitcom rather than
a soap opera still following the conventions.

This poster is for Desperate Housewives, a sitcom exhibited by Channel4 also shows the same patterns for the posters distributed to attract audiences for different programmes on Channel4, the logo is in the same place although with a different colour to add to the conventions of each individual programme. 

The patterns that each of the posters we have researched contain have been learnt, we know that they explicitly show characters and have the logo positioned to the right and writing on the bottom left, with a block colour background representative of each show, they are landscape and dramatic, we will refer to this information regularly when creating or product.

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