Thursday 27 September 2012

Soap Opera Trailer Analysis: Eastenders

Trailer: Hurricane Sharon Trailer
Time: Summer (July- August) 2012
Program: Eastenders
Channel: BBC1

Titles shown: The titles were shown at the end of the trailer through the typical BBC1 red title screen with white writing, they do not give a specific time of when the storyline will come to surface but they do say that is is "Coming Soon" which may be put in order for the audience to watch the show for every episode so that they do not miss it, also they have included a hashtag, in order to be used on the popular social networking sight Twitter, this may be to attract a younger audience by using cross media convergance within their trailers, much like Hollyoaks.

Mise en Scene
·        Classic locations- Albert Square, Market, Queen Vic
·        Dark coloured props and clothing- Mitchells, Billy and Phil
·        Wedding Dress- connoting purity? - Juxtaposition of varying themes- or an underlying message?
·        Low key lighting- natural- connoting disequilibrium- Toderov’s theory of equilibrium
·        Special effects of storm- breaks stereotype of soap operas, special effects not normally used.  
·        Disequilibrium shown- to attract and raise questions for the audience.
·        Bringing in old character- to boost ratings- conventional narrative.
·        Sharon shown perhaps as villain (Hurricane) surrounded by its victims. (Propp’s Theory of Narrative

·        Non-diegetic score
·        Relevant to hurricanes
·        Iconic, catchy non-diegetic sound throughout
·        Rain squeaking sign, footsteps and car.
·        0:35 to END - narration (pun, short snappy intro, time (soon), Channel (BBC1)
Camera Angle
·        Very short shots
·        Variation of establishing shots (Square, Queen Vic +….)
·        Stereotypical - lots of close ups to show emotion and reaction.
·        Lots of fast zooming/panning/tilting – connoting action!

This Analysis was completed on this trailer of Eastenders from Summer 2012:

This Analysis and research will be used in order to complete our own soap opera trailer.

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